– Academics –
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (France)
Information Modeling and Retrieval research group (MRIM). A group specialized in multimedia information retrieval: modeling, experiments, evaluation.
The members of the MRIM group involved in the project are:
- Dr. Philippe Mulhem, CNRS researcher, Scientific coordinator France, WP scientific leader
- Dr. Lorraine Goeuriot, Associate Professor at IGA, WP scientific leader
- Dr. Catherine Berrut, Professor at UGA
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Associate Professor at UGA
Research Studio Data Science (Vienna, Austria)
The members of RSA group involved in the project are:
- Dr. Florina Piroi, Scientific coordinator Austria, WP scientific leader
– Industry –
Qwant (France)
French web search engine.
The members of Qwant involved in the project are:
- Dr. Christophe Servan, Chief Scientist, WP scientific leader
- Alexandre Majed, Project Manager